Whether you're seeking balance through yoga, detoxifying your body, or relaxing with a restorative massage, I am here to guide you on a journey of holistic wellness. Step into a space where mind, body, and spirit unite in harmony.
Tasha Karidis
Your health matters! I would be honored to work with you. Please take a look at the services I provide.
As a Massage Therapist with over 20 years of experience, I use intuition to enhance your massage experience. During our therapy session, I will apply deep pressure to specific points, which can help release trapped emotional energy and promote deeper healing of both the body and mind. Moreover, we will work together to create a unique blend of essential oils that will complement your therapy session.
Yin is a gentle practice that is suitable for people of all ages and skill levels. This class offers seated postures that are held for 3-5 minutes, allowing you to deeply stretch your connective tissue and fascia. This practice can also help to lubricate your joints, calm your mind, and bring balance to your organs while stimulating meridian points. To learn more about Yin, please click the link.
As part of this procedure, you will soak your feet in warm water and an array will be placed nearby. This foot bath is intended to support your body's natural detoxification and balance your electromagnetic fields. It aims to eliminate toxins, lessen pain and inflammation, enhance organ function, increase and stabilize energy levels, renew vitality, sharpen mental clarity, improve skin health, and reinforce your immune system. For further information, please click the link.
If you're feeling unwell but can't figure out why, it's possible that you have underlying conditions like mold, lyme, parasites, or microbiome imbalances. Don't worry, I can help you identify the root causes of your symptoms.
Yoga nidra, also referred to as yogic sleep, is a type of guided relaxation meditation that has been proven to calm the nervous system and aid in the restoration of the body and mind. It is a more efficient way of restoring the body and mind than simply taking a nap. Yoga nidra can be practiced by anyone, regardless of age or ability. For further information, please click the link.
Take the guesswork out of what supplements to take and which cleanse to start with.
Unlock the secrets of your health through a simple hair and saliva test—a powerful tool to uncover imbalances in your body. This non-invasive method provides deep insights into your unique needs, helping to identify stressors and areas of imbalance.
Take the first step toward a healthier, more balanced you!
How can I help you live your very best life?
Empowering Your Journey to Optimal Wellness
Hello there! I'm Tasha Karidis,Certified Massage Therapist, Certified Wellness Coach, and Certified Yoga Instructor! I'm thrilled to be on this journey with you, helping you uncover your unique path to peace and wellness. With years of personal experience tackling unresolved "symptoms," I've learned that there’s no one-size-f-all solution to well-being. Together, we'll explore a variety of powerful tools that have transformed my life, and I can't wait to share them with you!
A single incident can irrevocably change the trajectory of our existence. One such day started ordinarily enough; I woke up to attend to my children, preparing their breakfast and lunches for the day. It was picture day at preschool for my eldest, Nikos, so we dressed him in a charming outfit, making sure his hair was handsome. Little did I anticipate that this seemingly mundane day would mark a significant turning point in my life.
As I was going about my daily chores, an unexpected phone call that would shake me to my core. My mother, who was always punctual, hadn't shown up for work. Alarmed, I dropped Nikos at preschool and hurried to my mother's house with my youngest, Zenos, safely strapped in his car seat. The sight that greeted me was one that would forever scar my memory - my mother, lifeless on the floor. The shock was so intense that I was rendered incapable of dialing 911 or even using my phone. In a moment of desperation, I sought assistance from a neighbor, while Zenos remained secure in the car.
My mother and I had a unique bond; she was my biggest cheerleader and my closest confidante. We had navigated numerous trials together, and her delight in becoming a grandmother to my children was boundless. Their loss of her is profoundly heartbreaking, especially since they lack memories of the extraordinary woman she was.
In the aftermath of her death, life became a whirlwind of emotions and responsibilites. I was dealing with postpartum depression, a fact I wouldn't recognize until later, while also caring for my 8-month-old and toddler. My support network did their best, but amidst the shock and sorrow, nothing felt genuinely comforting. My default reaction was to suppress my pain, telling myself to stay strong and continue with the necessary tasks. There was no room to process my grief; I had to sort out my mother's affairs, ready her house for sale, organize a celebration of life, create a slideshow, arrange her cremation, and handle urgent legal matters. I never wanted to let anyone down, so I just kept managing my daily tasks, which felt overwhelmingly burdensome.
As time went on, I found myself grappling with unexpected struggles. My grief was unaddressed, and it manifested in harmful coping strategies. I would vent my frustration on my kids and emotionally distance myself from my spouse, withdrawing from friends and family, thinking it was the only way to manage my pain. However, this self-imposed isolation only intensified my feelings of loneliness and disorientation. Learn more