Yin Yoga | Vital Health
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I offer a Yin Yoga class every Wednesday evening at my private home studio from 6:30-7:45 pm.

Space is limited to 8 people, allowing for a more intimate experience.

New Class added: Starting, Thursday, January 18th, 10 -11:15 am Yin Yoga. My classes are designed to help you unwind, relax and restore. Join me for practice and be part of a supportive and encouraging community—$25 per person for a group session (8 people max). 

call 916-642-6377 or email tkaridis@gmail.com to secure your space.

Tasha in Yin Yoga pose
Private Yoga Studio in Cameron Park California

I specialize in Yin yoga classes for all levels of experience.

I believe in an individualized approach to yoga and strive to create classes that are tailored to each student's needs. 

My classes are designed to balance the body, mind, and soul, allowing you to focus on your inner peace and self-awareness. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced yogi, I’m here to help you reach your goals.

Book your class today. Space is limited to 8 people, so they fill up fast. I'm excited to guide you into a "rest and digest" state.



  • Increases circulation and improves flexibility

  • Calms and balances the mind and body

  • Reduces stress and anxiety 

  • Releases fascia

  • Encourages deeper relaxation

  • Improves joint mobility

  • Brings balance to the organs through meridian stimulation



$25 for group session (8 people max)

$60 for private session

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